EBDB: The EarthBound Database is a game info database website for the Super Nintendo game EarthBound. I created the EBDB in 2004.
EBDB catalogs enemies, items, shops, and PSI (magical abilities) from the game, and shows their relationships (which shops sell which items, for example). While nowadays this sort of info would be in a game wiki, that was much less of an option in 2004, so I had to write the site myself.
In 2005, I worked with the EarthBound fan site Starmen.Net to make the EBDB part of their site; it’s been hosted there ever since.
Technical Details
I wrote EBDB in PHP, using a MySQL database. Data was mostly sourced from my own playing of the game, supplemented by data and tools from the EarthBound ROM editing community—see the Credits page on Starmen.Net.