Cincinnati (CVG)

A terminal silhouette of the Cincinnati (CVG) airport.

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Since I first drew CVG, they tore down their old Concourse C, so I’ve created a new drawing with Concourse C removed.

Older Versions

10 September 2015

A terminal silhouette of the Cincinnati (CVG) airport.

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Cincinnati was an interesting airport for me to draw, largely because I had to make some decisions about what terminals and concourses to include.

Right now, Cincinnati has one active terminal (Terminal 3) with two active concourses (A and B) and one inactive concourse (C), shown in that order on the above image starting from the upper right and going clockwise. There’s also an old terminal 2 with its own concourse, which I chose not to include on the above image.

Cincinnati used to be a large Delta hub, using all three concourses of Terminal 3—with their regional subsidiary Comair alone taking up the entirety of Concourse C; all other airlines used the older Terminal 2. In the mid-2000s, though, Delta began substantially cutting back their flights from CVG, and by 2010, Delta was entirely operating out of Concourse B. In 2012, flights from other airlines moved into Concourse A, leaving Concourse A and B as the only active concourses in the airport.

As Terminal 2 is no longer in use, I decided not to include it in my drawing. I did, however, decide to keep Terminal 3 Concourse C—while it’s not in use now, Delta does own the lease on it until 2025, and could still move back in if they chose. This isn’t likely, but between that and Concourse C being one of the most recognizable features of CVG from the air, I decided that it was still relevant enough to include.


Paul Bogard created these terminal silhouette illustrations, and has made them available for use under a CC BY-SA 4.0 License.