Oklahoma City (OKC)

Statue of Will Rogers on a horse in front of OKC terminal.

Will Rogers World Airport

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States

Airport #33 of 100 · First visited 28 February 2012

For whatever reason, multiple work projects I’ve been on have involved travel to Oklahoma—either Oklahoma City, Altus, or Tulsa. Besides being the obvious choice for trips to Oklahoma City itself, it’s one of the better options for Altus. I even flew into OKC for a Tulsa trip once, to split the difference when I had a trip to Altus and Tulsa in the same week; the Altus portion was later cancelled but I kept my OKC booking and drove from there to Tulsa.

The curved airside concourse inside OKC.

Terminal at OKC.

OKC is a moderately-sized airport where every gate is in a single airside area after security. So it’s surprising to me that it has two security checkpoints rather than a single larger one. I forgot there were two the first time I rode the shuttle bus from OKC’s new consolidated rental center. The shuttle dropped me off in front of an escalator that led directly to a security checkpoint. Since I had no bag to check, I got straight into the security line, only to find out that there was no TSA PreCheck line—PreCheck was at the other checkpoint, as it turned out. At least now I know, and I haven’t made that mistake again, but the signage certainly could have been better!
