Tag: Ruby-on-Rails

My Personal Website History

I’ve been working on websites since 1999. Here’s a brief history of my sites.

Shared Itinerary

I created a website for people going to an event to coordinate travel schedules and see each other’s flight times graphically.

Timelines for Electronics and Computers

I made a database and timeline generator for showing when I owned various computers, electronics, and parts.

Flight Graphs

Flight Graphs

My flight data shown as graphs, with airports as nodes and flights as edges.

Flight Historian

A History of Flight Historian

I travel reasonably often, and I consider myself a bit of a transportation nerd. It’s only logical that I would keep track of where I’ve flown.

Flight Historian

How I created Flight Historian, my flight logging website.


Creating Multiple Flash Messages in Ruby on Rails

5 Apr 2017 · On my Flight Historian application, a number of my pages make use of the Ruby flash and flash.now session messages for alerts. However, some of those pages needed to have multiple messages of the same type, which flash didn’t allow me to do. To fix this, I wrote my own messages structure.

Flight Historian Version 2.1: Import Flights From Digital Boarding Passes

29 Apr 2017 · New and changed features in version 2.1 of Paul Bogard’s Flight Historian.

Flight Log Version 2.0: Flight Historian

31 Jan 2016 · New and changed features in version 2.0 of Paul Bogard’s Flight Historian.

Generating GPX and KML Maps with Ruby on Rails

1 May 2019 · How to use Ruby to create GPX and KML map data files.

My “Worst” Layovers

7 Feb 2019 · Using math to figure out which of my layovers were the most out of the way relative to the net distance traveled.

Parsing Boarding Pass Dates in Ruby on Rails

16 Jan 2017 · Boarding pass barcodes contain data that’s useful for automatically filling in flight data, but their dates are particularly difficult to parse.

State Abbreviations Graph

8 Jul 2018 · Visualizing which US state abbreviations are one letter different from each other.

Switching Flight Historian to ICAO Regions

7 Sep 2017 · I used to manually keep track of which airports were within the contiguous United States in Flight Historian’s airport data, but I realized that I could determine airports’ regions by looking at their ICAO codes instead.